Results for 'Dario Marco Sacchi'

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  1.  38
    Impure Procedural Justice in Climate Governance Systems.Marco Grasso & Simona Sacchi - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (6):777-798.
    Climate change governance is extremely challenging because of both the intrinsic difficulty of the issues at stake and the plurality of values and world-views. For these reasons, the ethical concerns that characterise climate change should also be meaningfully addressed through a specific version of procedural justice. Accordingly, in this article we adopt an impure notion of procedural justice. On this theoretical basis, we define relevant fairness criteria and contextualise them for climate governance systems. Then, we empirically justify fairness criteria against (...)
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    Initial Impressions Determine Behaviours: Morality Predicts the Willingness to Help Newcomers. [REVIEW]Stefano Pagliaro, Marco Brambilla, Simona Sacchi, Manuela D’Angelo & Naomi Ellemers - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (1):37-44.
    Prior research has demonstrated the impact of morality (vs. competence) information for impression formation. This study examines behavioral implications of people’s initial impressions based on information about their morality vs. competence in a workplace. School teachers and employees (N = 79) were asked to form an impression of a new school manager (i.e. a prospective boss), who was presented as High vs. Low in Morality and High vs. Low in Competence. Results showed that morality information rather than competence information determined (...)
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    Evidenza e interpretazione: argomenti per una riflessione sulla struttura originaria del sapere.Dario Sacchi - 1988 - Milano: Pubblicazioni della Università del Sacro Cuore.
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  4. Unità e relazione: studi sul pensiero di F.H. Bradley.Dario Sacchi - 1981 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Lineamenti tardomoderni di storia della filosofia contemporanea.Dario Sacchi & Ivan Pozzoni (eds.) - 2013 - Morolo (FR): IF Press.
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  6. On the presence of Gustavo bontadini in the" neo-scholastic philosophy review" in the second half of the twentieth century.Dario Sacchi - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 101 (1-3):217-284.
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    Rousseau, il paradosso del porcospino.Dario Sacchi - 2016 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
  8.  13
    (1 other version)Verso un’assiologia fenomenologica. A proposito dell’ultimo libro di Roberta de Monticelli.Dario Sacchi - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (63):103-109.
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    Per una rilettura della polemica Croce-Enriques.Dario Sacchi - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (2):225-235.
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  10. La coscienza tra filosofia e scienza.Dario Galati, Marco Tamietto & Carla Tinti - 2001 - Rivista di Estetica 41 (18):8-36.
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  11.  14
    Bringing Us Closer Together: The Influence of National Identity and Political Orientation on COVID-19-Related Behavioral Intentions.Andrej Simić, Simona Sacchi, Stefano Pagliaro, Maria Giuseppina Pacilli & Marco Brambilla - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A growing body of work has highlighted the importance of political beliefs and attitudes in predicting endorsement and engagement in prosocial behavior. Individuals with right-wing political orientation are less likely to behave prosocially than their left-wing counterparts due to high levels of Right-wing authoritarianism. Here, we aimed to extend prior work by testing how political values relate to COVID-19 discretionary behavioral intentions. Furthermore, we tested whether identification with the national group would influence the relationship between RWA and prosocial behavior. A (...)
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    Neurophysiological Measures of the Perception of Antismoking Public Service Announcements Among Young Population.Giulia Cartocci, Enrica Modica, Dario Rossi, Patrizia Cherubino, Anton Giulio Maglione, Alfredo Colosimo, Arianna Trettel, Marco Mancini & Fabio Babiloni - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  13.  17
    Explicit recognition of emotional facial expressions is shaped by expertise: evidence from professional actors.Massimiliano Conson, Marta Ponari, Eva Monteforte, Giusy Ricciato, Marco Sarà, Dario Grossi & Luigi Trojano - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Fronto-Temporal Circuits in Musical Hallucinations: A PET-MR Case Study.Carlo Cavaliere, Mariachiara Longarzo, Mario Orsini, Marco Aiello & Dario Grossi - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  15.  40
    Book review: Ceti medi senza futuro? Scritti, appunti sul lavoro e altro, written by Sergio Bologna Book review: Vita da freelance. I lavoratori della conoscenza e il loro futuro, written by Sergio Bologna and Dario Banfi Book review: Felici e sfruttati. Capitalismo digitale ed eclissi del lavoro, written by Carlo Formenti. [REVIEW]Marco Boffo - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (3-4):425-476.
    This paper reviews the recent writing of Sergio Bologna and Carlo Formenti. These authors are proposed as post-workerist dissenters with respect to Hardt and Negri’s conceptualisation of contemporary capitalism. Therefore, while the latter has risen to prominence within Anglo-American academia astheradical account of the political economy of the knowledge economy, the work of Bologna and Formenti is here presented as providing alternative accounts of contemporary capitalism and its dynamics. In doing so, this work challenges the Anglo-American reception of post-operaismo. However, (...)
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    Bien común e interés público en contabilidad: un hecho institucional desde la teoría de John Searle.Héctor Darío Betancur, María Victoria Agudelo Vargas & Carlos Alberto Vargas Gonzáles - 2023 - Discusiones Filosóficas 24 (43):137-168.
    El objetivo del artículo es analizar la relación entre el bien común y el interés público como un hecho institucional desde la teoría de John Searle, una categoría de la que debe partir el saber/hacer contable para construir una sociedad más justa e inclusiva. El interés público debe conducir al bien común; sin embargo, en el marco de la regulación contable internacional, el concepto se ha privatizado vinculándose con el interés financiero. Los resultados del trabajo indican que es necesario (...)
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    Balance of a generation: Continuity of the intellectual self-legitimation strategies in the late production of Manuel Ugarte.Marcos Olalla - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 15 (1):65-74.
    Destacamos el balance ugarteano de la contribución histórica del modernismo hispanoamericano. El lugar que ocupa la llamada “generación de Darío” en la historia intelectual de América Latina es significativo por su papel determinante en la construcción de la figura del intelectual latinoamericano. La dinámica estatuida por la modernización continental a fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX promovió la autonomización del campo literario. Este hecho produjo una serie de modificaciones de la práctica de los intelectuales que operó como condición (...)
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    Fetichismo de las armas y fetichismo de la mercancía: reflexiones sobre la lucha de clases, la política y la guerra / Fetichism of weapons and fetichism of commodities: reflections on class struggle, politics and war.Felipe Pereyra Rozas & Blas Darío Estevez - 2020 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (2):56-68.
    El presente trabajo se propone reflexionar sobre la relación entre guerra y política. El punto de partida de son algunas indicaciones realizadas por Juan Carlos Marín acerca de la necesidad de producir una crítica del fetichismo de las armas presente en las concepciones militaristas del estatuto de la guerra en el marco del capitalismo que sea paralela a la crítica del fetichismo de la mercancía en Marx. Para pensar este paralelismo se toman los conceptos de “estado-nación” y “ciudadano” como (...)
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    Impactos sociorreligiosos da pandemia de COVID-19 para imigrantes e igrejas brasileiras nos Estados Unidos.Kelly Thaysy Lopes Nascimento, Fernanda Lemos & Dario Paulo Barrera Rivera - 2023 - Horizonte 20 (63):206209-206209.
    No dia onze de março de 2020, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) anunciou o estabelecimento da pandemia proveniente de um novo vírus, o Sars-Cov-2, com propagação inicial em Wuhan, cidade localizada na China. Mediante sistematização de parâmetros ideais para um novo normal pós-pandemia, percebemos a importância de compreender como a comunidade migratória vivencia as novas configurações, tendo em vista o contexto cultural de produção do capital e também para as igrejas na relação de apoio sociorreligioso ao imigrante e sua (...)
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  20.  15
    Tendencias en la investigación teológica latinoamericana.Manuel David Gómez Erazo, Ivan-Darío Toro-Jaramillo & Waldecir Gonzaga - 2024 - Franciscanum 66 (181):1-42.
    Para identificar las tendencias de la investigación teológica latinoamericana se hace una Revisión Sistemática de Literatura sobre 494 artículos de siete revistas teológicas de alto impacto en este continente, teniendo presente como marco teórico las definiciones de la Teología Latinoamericana, de la Liberación y del Pueblo, en el contexto actual de la Iglesia Católica, a propósito de los desafíos para una Teología en contexto y en salida. Con una metodología mixta, se miden varias dimensiones de las publicaciones como, por (...)
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  21.  21
    Os pressupostos teóricos de Ilya Prigogine e a epistemologia crítica.Thiago Weslei de Almeida Sousa, Dario Xavier Pires & Wellington Pereira de Queirós - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (73):301-339.
    Os pressupostos teóricos de Ilya Prigogine e a epistemologia crítica – um diálogo de convergências? Resumo: Ter clareza das raízes epistemológicas dos referenciais teóricos utilizados nas pesquisas científicas é primordial para que essas investigações tenham veracidade. Entretanto, alguns autores, por diversos motivos, não explicitam tais informações em suas obras. Surge então a necessidade de se saber onde Ilya Prigogine - físico-químico e filósofo que refletiu sobre a função do tempo, do conhecimento e das leis fundamentais que governam o universo - (...)
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    ANTISERI, Dario: Cómo se razona en filosofía. Por qué y cómo enseñar historia de la filosofía, trad. cast. Juan Marcos de la Fuente, Unión Editorial, Madrid, 2013, 197p. [REVIEW]Miguel Ángel Martínez Quintanar - 2015 - Agora 34 (1).
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    Marcos Martínez Hernández. Sófocles. Erotismo, Soledad, Tradición. Ediciones Clásicas, Madrid, 2010, 239 pp. [REVIEW]María Inés Moretti - 2011 - Synthesis (la Plata) 18:149-151.
    Este trabajo indaga las resemantizaciones del mito de Venus en tres poetas latinoamericanos: Julián del Casal, Rubén Darío y José Lezama Lima teniendo en cuenta la intertextualidad y las poéticas correspondientes. This paper analyses the Venus myth appropiation into the poetry of Julián del Casal, Rubén Darío and José Lezama Lima considering their poetry and intertextuality.
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    Il problema di Platone: un'introduzione storica alla filosofia della matematica.Marco Panza & Andrea Sereni - 2010 - Roma: Carocci. Edited by Andrea Sereni.
  25.  13
    Cultura política y perdón.Adolfo Chaparro Amaya (ed.) - 2002 - Bogotá: Centro Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
    Política y perdón / Jacques Derrida / - Hacia una cultura del perdón / Christian Schumacher / - La práctica del perdón en el judaísmo, el cristianismo y el Islam / - Alfredo Goldsmith / - La cultura del perdón como factor de construcción social / Oscar Lara Melo / - Venganza y transformación. Notas para una antropología de la venganza / Roberto Pinesa Camacho / - Venganza y cultura en Bogotá / Arturo Laguado / - El perdón jurídico a (...)
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    Forma e oggetto.Marco Santambrogio - 1992 - Milano: Il Saggiatore.
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    Speech acts in mathematics.Marco Ruffino, Luca San Mauro & Giorgio Venturi - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):10063-10087.
    We offer a novel picture of mathematical language from the perspective of speech act theory. There are distinct speech acts within mathematics, and, as we intend to show, distinct illocutionary force indicators as well. Even mathematics in its most formalized version cannot do without some such indicators. This goes against a certain orthodoxy both in contemporary philosophy of mathematics and in speech act theory. As we will comment, the recognition of distinct illocutionary acts within logic and mathematics and the incorporation (...)
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  28.  46
    Path Integrals and Holism.Marco Forgione - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (8):799-827.
    This paper argues that the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics suggests a form of holism for which the whole (total ensemble of paths) has properties that are not strongly reducible to the properties of the parts (the single trajectories). Feynman’s sum over histories calculates the probability amplitude of a particle moving within a boundary by summing over all the possible trajectories that the particle can undertake. These trajectories and their individual probability amplitudes are thus necessary in calculating the total (...)
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    The Argument from Potentiality in the Embryo Protection Debate: Finally “Depotentialized”?Marco Stier & Bettina Schoene-Seifert - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (1):19-27.
    Debates on the moral status of human embryos have been highly and continuously controversial. For many, these controversies have turned into a fruitless scholastical endeavor. However, recent developments and insights in cellular biology have cast further doubt on one of the core points of dissent: the argument from potentiality. In this article we want to show in a nonscholastical way why this argument cannot possibly survive. Getting once more into the intricacies of status debates is a must in our eyes. (...)
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  30.  53
    Action-dependent perceptual invariants: From ecological to sensorimotor approaches.Matteo Mossio & Dario Taraborelli - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1324-1340.
    Ecological and sensorimotor theories of perception build on the notion of action-dependent invariants as the basic structures underlying perceptual capacities. In this paper we contrast the assumptions these theories make on the nature of perceptual information modulated by action. By focusing on the question, how movement specifies perceptual information, we show that ecological and sensorimotor theories endorse substantially different views about the role of action in perception. In particular we argue that ecological invariants are characterized with reference to transformations produced (...)
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  31.  5
    Populismo e democrazia radicale: in dialogo con Ernesto Laclau.Marco Baldassari & Diego Melegari (eds.) - 2012 - Verona: Ombre corte.
  32.  14
    Funzione, simbolo e struttura: saggio su Ernst Cassirer.Marco Lancellotti - 1974 - Roma: Studium.
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    Some relationships between terminology, analytic strategies, and computational methodologies.Marco Ligabue - 1995 - In Eero Tarasti (ed.), Musical signification: essays in the semiotic theory and analysis of music. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 121--349.
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    Logica e tumulti: Wittgenstein filosofo della storia.Marco Mazzeo - 2021 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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  35. La famiglia nella stampa tedesca degli ultimi anni.Marco Paolino - 2006 - Studium 102 (2):307-311.
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  36. Presentación.Iván Darío Carmona - 2009 - Escritos 17 (39):10-12.
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  37. Claude Buffier: Metaphysics, Common Sense, and Sociability.Anik Waldow & Darío Perinetti (eds.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
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    Abstraction and Epistemic Economy.Marco Panza - 2016 - In Sorin Costreie (ed.), Early Analytic Philosophy – New Perspectives on the Tradition. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    Most of the arguments usually appealed to in order to support the view that some abstraction principles are analytic depend on ascribing to them some sort of existential parsimony or ontological neutrality, whereas the opposite arguments, aiming to deny this view, contend this ascription. As a result, other virtues that these principles might have are often overlooked. Among them, there is an epistemic virtue which I take these principles to have, when regarded in the appropriate settings, and which I suggest (...)
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  39. The Misfortunes of Moral Enhancement.Marco Antonio Azevedo - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (5):461-479.
    In Unfit for the Future, Ingmar Persson and Julian Savulescu present a sophisticated argument in defense of the imperative of moral enhancement. They claim that without moral enhancement, the future of humanity is seriously compromised. The possibility of ultimate harm, caused by a dreadful terrorist attack or by a final unpreventable escalation of the present environmental crisis aggravated by the availability of cognitive enhancement, makes moral enhancement a top priority. It may be considered optimistic to think that our present moral (...)
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  40.  20
    Two Level Credibility-limited Revisions.Marco Garapa - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-21.
    In this paper, we propose a new kind of nonprioritized operator which we call two level credibility-limited revision. When revising through a two level credibility-limited revision there are two levels of credibility and one of incredibility. When revising by a sentence at the highest level of credibility, the operator behaves as a standard revision, if the sentence is at the second level of credibility, then the outcome of the revision process coincides with a standard contraction by the negation of that (...)
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  41. Mental, physical, and mathematical models in the teaching and learning of physics.Ileana Maria Greca & Marco Antonio Moreira - 2002 - Science Education 86 (1):106-121.
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    Unità e relazione. [REVIEW]L. M. Palmer - 1985 - Idealistic Studies 15 (1):80-81.
    With the exception of Anthony Manser’s recent treatise on Bradley’s logic, nothing noteworthy has been written on the British idealist since the studies of Wollheim and Vander Veer. This dearth of scholarship on one of the most powerful critics of empiricism and naturalism is surprising especially today when we witness a strong revival of interest in metaphysics and phenomenology. Hence Dario Sacchi’s monograph on Bradley’s Unity and Relation is particularly welcome. In addition, this study promises some interesting insights (...)
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  43.  45
    A ModalWalk Through Space.Marco Aiello & Johan van Benthem - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (3):319-363.
    We investigate the major mathematical theories of space from a modal standpoint: topology, affine geometry, metric geometry, and vector algebra. This allows us to see new fine-structure in spatial patterns which suggests analogies across these mathematical theories in terms of modal, temporal, and conditional logics. Throughout the modal walk through space, expressive power is analyzed in terms of language design, bisimulations, and correspondence phenomena. The result is both unification across the areas visited, and the uncovering of interesting new questions.
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  44. La dignità dell'uomo da Kant a Hegel.Marco Paolinelli - 1990 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 82 (2-3):256-286.
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    Umanesimo: storia, critica, attualità.Marco Russo & Stéphane Toussaint (eds.) - 2015 - Firenze: Le lettere.
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  46. Il male come privatio boni debiti: Una riflessione sulla prospettiva di Edith Stein.Marco Salvioli - 2008 - Divus Thomas 111 (2):113-142.
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  47. Per Una teologia fondamentale non dualista e, pertanto, autenticamente post-moderna. Milbank interprete di San Tommaso D'Aquino.Marco Salvioli - 2013 - Divus Thomas 116 (2):13-120.
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  48. Samuel Ramos.Marco Sanz - 2012 - In Ayala Barrón, Juan Carlos & Mauricio Beuchot (eds.), Ensayos de filosofía mexicana. Culiacán (Sinaloa): Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
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  49. Fallibilita della matematica e falsificazione secondo Imre Lakatos.Marco Sborzacchi - 1997 - Epistemologia 20 (1):67-90.
  50. The Relative Autonomy of Theory Quantum Measurements and Real Measurements.Marco Del Seta - 1998 - London School of Economics, Centre for the Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences.
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